A 2-line Go Server for Local Web Development

Use case: JavaScript service worker development with multiple tabs/clients where you don't want automatic browser reloads or posts. Local dev servers with automatic browser reloads or posts can be problematic when developing service workers with multiple clients. For example, you want to test a scenario by posting messages on one client (single browser tab) and [...]

Fibonacci Program in Assembly Language

Here's how to write a Fibonacci sequence program in Assembly language from scratch for the x86-64 processor. Also includes instructions on how to install the Flat Assembler. Installation First, let's install the Flat Assembler. You can download the program from here: https://flatassembler.net/download.php Doesn't need Windows setup/installation. Simply download the zip file and extract it to [...]

Download a File Using Go

Downloading a file from the Internet using Go is remarkably easy. Especially coupled with concurrency it makes downloading multiple files fast. The following code below shows how to download a single file using Go. Goal: Download a test image file, the Google logohttps://www.google.com/images/branding/googlelogo/2x/googlelogo_color_272x92dp.png First get the file using http.GetExtract the filename from the URL by [...]

Windows Firewall Rule for Go Web Development

https://youtu.be/OsnI7OXFGfA If you do Go web development on Windows, then you are likely to come across the Windows Firewall - Security Alert whenever you build and run the Go app. For example, here I am trying to build and run a sample Go web server program "main1.exe" that wants to run on port 4000: Windows [...]

Install and Configure Apache and PHP on Windows

This post explains how to install and configure Apache and PHP on Windows. Sure, there are convenient options like: Bitnami WAMP Stack, WampServer or XAMPP. But over the years I found that installing each stack separately is more reliable and provides greater flexibility. You will probably also want MariaDB for a database which you can [...]